Certifications, Compliance & Standards

Our certifications provide you with the assurance that we are ethical and responsible. No e-waste will end up in a landfill. eLoop’s certified data erasure process meets statutory and regulatory compliant needs for data security and privacy for SOX, GLB, HIPAA, ISO27001, EU-GDPR, and PCI-DSS. eLoop utilizes BitRaser’s patented software to securely erase confidential data from PCs, laptops, servers, and storage environments. The software guarantees erasure of all major drive types including SATA, PATA, SSD, SAS, SCSI, IDE, and USB.


To solve toxic trade and occupational health and safety risks, the e-Stewards Program was created in 2009. e-Stewards helps everyone – citizens and businesses alike – tackle the toxic footprint left behind by their old electronics. e-Stewards defines and promotes responsible electronics reuse and recycling worldwide. e-Stewards certification differentiates truly responsible recyclers from those who merely claim to be going green.
Download our e-Stewards certifications here.

NAID AAA Certification

NAID AAA Certification® verifies secure data destruction companies’ services’ compliance with all known data protection laws through scheduled and surprise audits by trained, accredited security professionals, fulfilling customers’ regulatory due diligence obligations.
Download our NAID Certification packet here.

ISO 14001

ISO 14001 Environmental Management Systems is a management tool enabling an organization of any size or type to identify and control the environmental impact of its activities, products, or services, improve its environmental performance continually and implement a systematic approach to setting environmental objectives and targets to achieve these goals and to demonstrate that they have been met.
Download our ISO 14001 certifications here.

Microsoft Registered

The Microsoft Registered Refurbisher program (RRP) is for small and midsize refurbishers across the globe who want to supply refurbished PCs preinstalled with genuine Microsoft software to local consumers and businesses, as well as qualified charitable organizations, academic users, and specially approved recipients.

NIST Tested & Approved

BitRaser Drive Eraser

The National Institute of Standards and Technology(NIST) tested the mediawiping efficacy of BitRaser Drive Eraser software based on the NIST 800-88 Purge Secure Erase Standard.

The test was conducted on a hard disk drive and a solid-state drive using the Computer Forensics Tool Testing (CFTT) Test Suite, a proprietary tool jointly developed by NIST and Department of Homeland Security Science and Technology Directorate(DHS S&T). The CFTT Test Suite found that BitRaser performed “Secure Overwriting” on all the sectors, including the hidden areas of the drives – Host Protected Area (HPA) and Device Configuration Overlay (DCO).The test results confirmed that data was securely overwritten and erased ‘As Expected’ by BitRaser Drive Eraser using NIST 800-88 Purge Secure Erase Standard.

ADISA Certification

BitRaser Drive Eraser Verification

The test conducted by ADISA on SSD drive using BitRaser Drive Eraser v3.0 validates that the software when used in accordance with the specification (NIST 800-88standard), sanitizes data on SSD as outlined in ADISA Test Level 1. The ADISA certification process is multi-tier and requires testing an SSD drive against known ADISA data threats and residue after it has been securely overwritten by BitRaser. The ADISA Threat Matrix defines a series of capabilities and risks that various threat agents can pose on the security of a device.

BitRaser Mobile Eraser Verification
The test conducted by ADISA on iPhone using BitRaser Mobile Eraser and Diagnostics 3.0 mitigates the threat posed by the Threat Actors holding the capabilities outlined by Test Level 1 on the tested devices. A key element to the claims test is that the software has to be used in accordance with the specifications to sanitize mobile devices.

HIPAA Seal of Compliance

For BitRaser Drive Eraser Verification & BitRaser Mobile Eraser Verification
The HIPAA Privacy regulations require health care providers and organizations, as well as their business associates, to develop and follow procedures that ensure the confidentiality and security of protected health information (PHI) when it is transferred, received, handled, or shared. This applies to all forms of PHI, including paper, verbal, electronic, etc. The HIPAA Seal of Compliance has become the health care industry standard for verification that the federally-mandated HIPAA standards, regulated by the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Office for Civil Rights (OCR), are fully addressed and incorporated into an effective, organization-wide compliance program.

CEOs for Sustainability

We are a proud member and co-founder of CEOs for Sustainability, a panel of Western Pennsylvania CEOs who are committed to environmental stewardship and corporate sustainability. Through this panel, CEOs around the region share best sustainable business practices and collaborate in growing the triple bottom line — for people, planet, and profits.